Portal Help

Portal Registration

New to our portal? Watch this video to learn how to register and effectively use our portal. 

Business Profiles

Having troubles finding or creating a business profile?  Watch this video to find where you can log in under your business to uplaod documents for your business and pay and sign for your business return. 

Upload Your Documents

Watch here to see how you start the tax process and how you get your team your tax documents to file your return. 

Invoice, Signature, and Vouchers

Did our team call you and let you know your return is done and ready in the portal, but you can’t find it?  Watch this video to see why that may be.

Also click here to see where you can find your vouchers to pay your federal and state taxes. 

Mobile App Guide

Are you always on the go? Click here to learn how to use our app on the go and always stay in touch with your tax team.